VDH-spring-Winner à Dormund (DE) : LuckyStar again !!
Actualité publié le 12/05/2014
Katja nous fait part d'excellentes nouvelles, une fois de plus !
" Friday, 09.05.2014, international Show
Lucky V1 intermediate class, CACIB, CAC, best bitch, VDH-spring-Winner
Emmy V1, open class, RES CACIB, RES CAC
Sunday, 11.05.2014, special Schapendoes show, Europasiegerschau
Lucky V1, intermediate class
Emmy V1, open class
On Sunday we also made the inventory ... I did it with Lucky also and she got a very good inventory."
Chaleureuses félicitations, c'est magnifique ;-)
" Friday, 09.05.2014, international Show
Lucky V1 intermediate class, CACIB, CAC, best bitch, VDH-spring-Winner
Emmy V1, open class, RES CACIB, RES CAC
Sunday, 11.05.2014, special Schapendoes show, Europasiegerschau
Lucky V1, intermediate class
Emmy V1, open class
On Sunday we also made the inventory ... I did it with Lucky also and she got a very good inventory."
Chaleureuses félicitations, c'est magnifique ;-)