Photos des Chiots Fidji-Tjano à 2 semaines
Actualité publié le 03/04/2014
Voir dans la rubrique "ALBUMS", un nouvel album leur est tout spécialement consacré (voir côté droit de la page après avoir clické sur "albums" à gauche ... mais si, c'est simple ! ;-))
New pictures of Fidji-Tjano's puppies in the part "ALBUMS" : there is a special album dedicated to them (see the categories at the right side of the page, after having clicked on the word "Album" at the left side : easier than it seems ! ;-)))
New pictures of Fidji-Tjano's puppies in the part "ALBUMS" : there is a special album dedicated to them (see the categories at the right side of the page, after having clicked on the word "Album" at the left side : easier than it seems ! ;-)))